Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New Section Open on North Tower Loop

There is a large section of new trail on the North Tower Loop. It's the light green trail on this satellite photo. It replaces the old fire-road downhill that used to run from the North Tower Loop Connector intersection down "the short way" out towards Aynes Loop. This old portion of trail was wide and fast, but it doesn't hold a candle (climbing or descending) to this newly-built trail. Almost all of this trail was lovingly built by machine by Alex Harrington and Alex Stewart of Spectrum Trail Design. It has tremendous flow to it, and it will be a terrific addition to the trail system. A good portion of the trail has been on the ground since last winter. I rode it back then, and I couldn't wait until they could finish it. Now you can ride it too! Kudos to the "Super Alex" for another piece of amazing trail.

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